Past presidents, treasurers and secretaries.

Since 1965, the Club has been served admirably by a host of Club athletes, their family members and other associates who have generously donated their time and efforts in making Keilor St Bernard’s the athletic club it is today.

There is no avoiding the fact that voluntarily serving on a committee at any time is a sacrifice. Committee members face hard work, late nights, much debate – and often disagreement – as they grapple with the management of a sporting club amidst rapidly changing times, ever-growing government red-tape and a host of protocols, regulations, procedures and requirements. Combine that with offering their homes as the venue for meetings and you can see that committee members are some of the most selfless people in sport.

The table below shows many of the people who, through their generosity of spirit, have built our Club over five decades-plus.

Keilor St. Bernards Athletics Club Committee

Please note: the following table lists the committees of St Bernard’s Old Collegians Athletics Club  from 1965 to the formation of Keilor St Bernard’s Athletic Club in the


 KSB key committee members since 1965 
Year President Secretary Treasurer
1965 B. Mahoney M. Culkin R. Stobaus
1966 R. Stobaus M. Culkin Not known
1967 B. Mahoney M. Culkin R. Stobaus
1968 B. Mahoney M. Culkin R. Stobaus
1969 B. Mahoney B. Dobson R. Stobaus
1970 B. Mahoney T. Basset R. Stobaus
1971 B. Mahoney T. Basset R. Stobaus
1972 B. Mahoney Unknown R. Stobaus
1973 B. Mahoney M. Sheahan R. Stobaus
1974 B. Mahoney R. Stobaus J. Waddington
1975 B. Mahoney R. Stobaus J. Waddington
1976 M. Sheahan P. Beggs J. Waddington
1977 R. Stobaus R. Chandler P. Paruit
1978 R. Hande R. Alphey P. Paruit
1979 R. Hande P. Waddington P. Paruit
1980 R. Stobaus L. Cooney P. Taylor
1981 R. Stobaus L. Cooney G. Hassett
1982 J. Larkins L. Cooney P. Taylor
1983 J. Larkins L. Cooney G. Hassett
1984 P. Beggs N. Portaro G. Hassett
1985 D. Pollock U. Nilsson G. Hassett
1986 I. Upton U. Nilsson G. Hassett
1987 I. Upton V. Pollock D. Kelly
1988 I. Upton V. Pollock D. Kelly
1989 I. Upton K. Willmot D. Kelly
1990 I. Upton K. Willmot D. Kelly
1991 I. Upton U. Nilsson D. Kelly
1992 I. Upton U. Nilsson G. Maurici
1993 I. Upton U. Nilsson G. Maurici
1994 I. Upton U. Nilsson G. Maurici
1995 I. Upton U. Nilsson J. Pollock
1996 I. Upton U. Nilsson J. Pollock
1997 I. Upton U. Nilsson J. Pollock
1998 I. Upton L. Wyatt J. Pollock
1999 I. Upton U. Nilsson J. Pollock
2000 I. Upton S. Mollica J. Pollock
2001 I. Upton S. Mollica J. Pollock
2002 I. Upton T. Hebblewhite K. McGilvray
2003 I. Upton T. Hebblewhite K. McGilvray
2004 I. Upton M. Abfalter K. McGilvray
2005 I. Upton M. Abfalter K. McGilvray
2006 I. Upton M. Abfalter S. Guthrie
2007 I. Upton M. Abfalter S. Guthrie
2008 I. Upton M. Abfalter S. Guthrie
2009 I. Upton M. Abfalter L. Smith
2010 I. Upton J. McLeod L. Smith
2011 I. Upton J. McLeod E. Asplin
2012 I. Upton M. Irons E. Asplin
2013 I. Upton M. Irons E. Asplin
2014 I. Upton M. Abfalter D. Ireland
2015 I. Upton M. Abfalter S. Sidley
2016 I. Upton M. Abfalter N. Gunn
2017 I. Upton M. Abfalter N. Gunn
2018 I. Upton M. Abfalter N. Gunn
2019 I. Upton J. Kerlin J. Egodawatte